Kinsmen Prince Edward Campground and RV Park

The undersigned and the rest of your reservation party agree to obey this Code of Conduct while at the Kinsmen Prince Edward Campground and RV Park.
Strict enforcement of this Code of Conduct will be in place for all registered guests. Anyone breaching this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave for the remainder of their reservation period.
1. All site rental fees are payable in advance at time of check-in. Registered Campsite occupants will be liable for all, and any damage done to their campsite. Persons found causing damage will have to leave the Park immediately, and all fees paid to that date will be forfeited. Please display your campground/day use permit in the lower right corner of your vehicle's windshield.
2. Registered campsite occupants are responsible for the conduct of their visitors during their stay at this park. All visitors must be registered at the Kiosk before entering the park.
3. Consumption of alcohol beverages and/or legalized cannabis by campers MUST BE confined to their registered campsites. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or legalized cannabis by Minors will NOT be permitted, nor tolerated.
4. Campers are expected to comply with all Provincial Regulations and any temporary bans with respect to open fires. If a campfire ring is not available at your designated campsite, one can be provided upon request. There are NO open ground fires permitted.
5. Only ONE tent/trailer/RV per campsite is permitted for use by registered campers, and any other usage must be approved by Park Staff at time of registration.
6. Pets MUST ALWAYS be leashed and accompanied by their owner when outside on their registered campsite or while walking within Park grounds. Pet behavior is always solely the owner's responsibility while inside the park grounds. Pet owners must CLEAN UP after their pets. Pet owners are asked to keep their pets QUIET while inside tents/trailers/RV's. NO PET IS TO BE LEFT ALONE OUTSIDE ON A REGISTERED CAMPSITE.
7. Check-Out time is 11:00 a.m. Should you require an extended check-out time, please arrange it with Park Staff to confirm availability. Check-In time is 2:00 p.m.
8. The coin operated laundry room is located on the right side of the Main Building. The hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. * Please note, these hours are subject to change.
9. The public restroom/shower facility is open for use only to campers or their guests, registered within our park, and to Day Use pass holders for our park. Please clean up after yourself when using the facilities. Place used paper towels and/or used feminine products in supplied garbage bins. Please remove personal items after shower use. Children MUST be supervised by a registered camper while using the facilities.
10. Please abide by the strict 15km/hr. speed limit.
11. Non-licensed gas power/electric motorized vehicles are not permitted for use within park grounds, with the exception of park permitted vehicles. ATV/UTV TRAVELERS registered with our park, are permitted to use their ATV/UTV within park grounds with a park supplied ATV/UTV permit.
12. QUIET TIME IS 11:30 P.M. - 7:30 A.M. This is enforced by park staff during weekdays and by park security on weekends. Please be considerate to other campers by keeping the noise level contained to your campsite.
For further information surrounding the guidelines on COVID-19, we encourage you to visit the NL COVID -19 information website at: https://www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/